Maps / spatial pages: Maps | Spatial statistics | Spatial interpolation
This guide shows some of the more common and/or easy ways to make
maps in R using map-tile-based backgrounds with data
plotted over the base maps. We introduce coordinate reference
systems, recommended packages which allow tile-based map
drawing, a few ways of including user data, and an Appendix on
simple coordinate conversion.
The intention is to provide
options to plot informative maps, which include the type of data
collected in this class, relatively simply. We will not cover
vector-based maps, importing GIS shapefiles, interpolation of point
data, chloropleth maps, and many other map plotting methods.
Notes about maps
[distilled from the author instructions of a few relevant journals]
library(sf) # Simple Features spatial data in R
library(maptiles) # get open-source map tiles for background maps
library(prettymapr) # add scale bar and north arrows to maps
library(viridis) # colourblind-friendly colour palettes
library(scico) # more colourblind-friendly colour palettes
library(ggmap) # plotting spatial data with ggplot syntax
...also read some data we need for map annotations, make some colour palettes to use later, and set any alternative Windows fonts:
git <- ""
afr_map <- read.csv(file=paste0(git,"afr_map_v2.csv"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
places <- read.csv(file=paste0(git,"places.csv"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
pal4lite <- c("black", viridis::plasma(8),"white", "transparent","grey40")
pal4liteTransp <- c("black", viridis::plasma(8, alpha=0.7), "white",
pal4dark <- c("white", viridis::turbo(8, beg=0.2, end=0.9,dir=1), "black")
"I wisely started with a map."
--- J. R. R. Tolkien
First we read the data we need: from .csv
files on a
website, into an R data frame:
## afs19 <- read.csv(file=paste0(git,"afs19.csv"),
## stringsAsFactors = TRUE) # use this one
afs22 <- read.csv(file=paste0(git,"afs22S1.csv"),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
Before we start downloading map data, we're going to define and save
some commonly-used coordinate reference systems which describe the map
projection of our GPS data. The function st_crs()
is from
the sf
package (see explanation below), and as the argument
for the st_crs()
function we use the EPSG code for the
desired projection. See for more information. This is
optional, but makes things a little easier - we can just call
directly when we need to include a
crs =
LongLat <- st_crs(4326) # uses Earth ellipsis specs from WGS84 datum
UTM50S <- st_crs(32750) # just for Zone 50, S hemisphere!
We will use these coordinate reference system objects later. For now we're going to work in UTM coordinates.
Next we'll convert our data frames to Simple Features
spatial data, using the R package sf
(Pebesma, 2018). Simple Features is a formal standard (ISO 19125-1:2004)
that describes how objects in the real world can be represented in
computers - see
We also make equivalents of these two sf-dataframes in the
longitude–latitude coordinate system, using the
function. We needed to know (e.g.
from summary(afs19)
) that we have missing coordinate values
– always check your data!
nogeo <- which($Easting))
afs19utm <- st_as_sf(afs19[-9,], # omitting row 9 where coordinates are missing
coords = c("Easting","Northing"),
crs = UTM50S)
afs22utm <- st_as_sf(afs22, coords = c("Easting","Northing"),
crs = UTM50S)
afs19ll <- st_transform(afs19utm, crs = LongLat)
afs22ll <- st_transform(afs22utm, crs = LongLat)
We define the area we need for our map and save it in a simple
features object called extent
An easy way to get bounding coordinates (in longitude, latitude) is
by using, Google Maps or
Earth. The desktop version of Google Earth allows the option to set
the coordinate system to UTM (but all files are saved in long–lat
(WGS84, which is the same as EPSG:4326)). If we generated
latitude–longitude coordinates, we would need to convert our Simple
Features object (see the Appendix). If our input
coordinates are Longitude–Latitude, note that south latitudes (and west
longitudes) are negative, and we want decimal degrees rather than
degrees-minutes-seconds. Also note that coordinates from Google Maps and
Google Earth (except in saved .kml
files) are in
the order (Latitude, Longitude); i.e. \((y,x)\), whereas \((x,y)\) (Longitude, Latitude) seems to make
more sense.
For coordinates in the sf
and maptiles
packages, \(x\) coordinates are
commonly Eastings or Longitudes, and \(y\) coordinates are commonly Northings or
extent <- st_as_sf(data.frame(x=c(399900,400600),y=c(6467900,6468400)),
coords = c("x","y"), crs = UTM50S)
NOTE: The projection we specify here will be the one the map plots in!
We now need some functions from the maptiles
(Giraud 2021). We're using one of the OpenStreetMap tile options, but
the following tile providers also work:
OpenStreetMap, OpenStreetMap.HOT, Esri.WorldStreetMap, Esri.WorldTopoMap, Esri.WorldImagery, Esri.WorldGrayCanvas
CartoDB.Positron, CartoDB.DarkMatter, CartoDB.Voyager
CartoDB... tiles have variants which work), and OpenTopoMap
If you have an account with an API key, you can also use the tiles
from Thunderforest (Thunderforest 'hobby project'
accounts are free). The Stamen tiles are now available again 🤓 – you
can register for a free API key at
The option
crop = TRUE
is included to crop the tiles to our defined
area in the extent
object. If we leave it out, the map may
change shape as it will use only square (uncropped) map tiles.
The map tile style we have selected is the default
# NOTE: projection of input object e.g. 'extent' sets map projection
aftiles <- maptiles::get_tiles(extent, provider = "OpenStreetMap", crop = TRUE)
The aftiles
object we created is a
object which needs the maptiles
) package loaded to be able to plot it – see Figure
aftiles <- maptiles::get_tiles(extent, provider = "OpenStreetMap",
crop = TRUE, zoom=16)
par(mar=c(3,3,1.3,1.2), mgp=c(1.6,0.2,0), tcl=-0.2, font.lab=2, lend="square")
plot(st_coordinates(extent), asp=1, type="n", xaxs="i", yaxs="i", cex.axis=0.8,
xlab="Easting (UTM Zone 50, m)", ylab="Northing (UTM Zone 50, m)")
plot_tiles(aftiles, add=TRUE)
Figure 1: Map of Ashfield Flats in the UTM projection, generated using
the maptiles
R package, with OpenStreetMap tiles.
At this stage, after plotting the map in RStudio, you will probably need to adjust the size and proportions of your plot area manually, so that the map tiles fill the whole plot frame.
Figure 2:
Resizing the RStudio
pane to match the size of the
plot area to the maptiles
The next chunk of code adds the prettymapr
shown in Figure 2. In this code, plotepsg = 32750
refers to
the EPSG code for the UTM projection in Zone 50 (EPSG 32750), which we
need to include so that the scale bar shows the correct distances.
(Long-Lat is EPSG 4326 in WGS84)
NOTE: If the addscalebar
function does
not work, run this line of code:
(This will replace the function in the prettymapr
package with a modified version that uses the sf
for coordinate conversions instead of sp
# . . . continuing previous code . . .
addnortharrow(text.col=1, border=1)
addscalebar(plotepsg = 32750, label.col = 1, linecol = 1,
label.cex = 1.2, htin=0.15, widthhint = 0.15)
Map annotations using maptiles – Hints
Plotting in the maptiles
package using the
function (which is actually done by the
from the terra
package) tries to set
the plot margins based on the dimensions of the SpatRaster
map object. This can create some problems in our experience, so here are
some tips:
plot which is an empty frame, over
which you plot the maptiles
object. We do this by:
in the
object onto your empty plot
option in the
and addscalebar()
function needs the option
, where the value is the EPSG code for the
coordinate reference system you are using (we specify
which is the EPSG code for UTM Zone 50S
using WGS84).addscalebar()
function depends on
the older spatial package sp
which is scheduled for
retirement. If it doesn't work on your computer, run the following code
to create a replacement addscalebar()
function which uses
the sf
package instead of sp
:git <- ""
source(paste0(git, "scalebar_use_sf_prettymapr.R"))
Figure 3: Map of Ashfield Flats (UTM), with added North arrow and scale
bar from the prettymapr
package, over OpenStreetMap tiles
acquired using maptiles
Very often we would like to add our own information to a map, such as the location of samples, often with different sizes, shapes, or colours of symbols to represent numerical information.
Since we have a map in UTM coordinates, we can now add plots of our
data based on UTM locations (with a legend, of course – see Figure 4).
We can plot the points from the non-spatial data frame
, but here we plot
the points from
, with the add=TRUE
option. We add a
legend to the plot in the usual way.
# . . . continuing from previous code . . .
clrz <- plasma(15)[6:15] # plasma is one of the viridis:: palettes
with(afs19utm, plot(geometry, add=TRUE,
pch = rep(21:25,2)[Group],
bg = clrz[Group]))
legend("bottomright", legend=levels(as.factor(afs19$Group)),
pch = rep(21:25,2), = clrz,
title = "Group", inset = 0.02, ncol = 2)
Figure 4: Map of Ashfield Flats (UTM), with user data plotted, over
OpenStreetMap tiles acquired using maptiles
and North arrow
and scale bar from the prettymapr
We can also add digitized map features such as wetland ponds, drains, etc., if these are not on the map tiles already. Ideally we would add these before plotting the data, to avoid the type of overplotting shown in Figure 5.
# . . . continuing from previous code . . .
with(afr_map, lines(drain_E, drain_N, col = "cadetblue", lwd = 2))
with(afr_map, lines(wetland_E, wetland_N, col = "cadetblue", lwd = 1, lty = 2))
Figure 5: Map of Ashfield Flats (UTM), with added North arrow, scale
bar, user data, and additional map items, over OpenStreetMap tiles
acquired using maptiles
Finally, we would most likely want to add some text. Text labels should also be added before plotting the data. The final map is shown in Figure 6.
# . . . continuing from previous code . . .
text(c(400263, 399962, 400047), c(6468174, 6468083, 6468237),
labels = c("Chapman Drain","Kitchener Drain", "Woolcock Drain"),
pos = c(2,2,4), cex = 0.8, font = 3, col = "cadetblue")
Figure 6: Map of Ashfield Flats (UTM), with added North arrow, scale
bar, user data, and additional map items plus text labels, over
OpenStreetMap tiles acquired using maptiles
We use essentially the same code as for the maps above (except
plotting the annotations and data in the correct order!). Then we use
the symbols()
function to make the 'bubbles', making sure
that we include the options add = TRUE
so we overplot the
map, and inches = FALSE
so we can manually scale the
bubbles. The factor s0
used to scale the circles in the
code for bubbles and legend is found using a simple algorithm to
estimate a scaling factor from the data). A map like that shown in
Figure 7 is a good exploratory data analysis tool, as even without the
legend it shows any unevenness in concentrations, including where high
concentrations are located.
par(mar=c(3,3,1.3,1.2), mgp=c(1.6,0.2,0), tcl=-0.2, font.lab=2, lend="square")
plot(st_coordinates(extent), asp=1, type="n", xaxs="i", yaxs="i", cex.axis=0.8,
xlab="Easting (UTM Zone 50, m)", ylab="Northing (UTM Zone 50, m)")
plot_tiles(aftiles, add=TRUE)
addnortharrow(text.col=1, border=1)
addscalebar(plotepsg = 32750, label.col = 1, linecol = 1,
label.cex = 1.2, htin=0.15, widthhint = 0.15)
lines(drain_E, drain_N, col = "cadetblue", lwd = 2))
with(afr_map, polygon(wetland_E, wetland_N, border="cadetblue", col="#5F9EA080",
lwd = 1, lty = 1))
text(c(400263, 399982, 400047), c(6468174, 6468143, 6468237),
labels = c("Chapman Drain","Kitchener\nDrain", "Woolcock Drain"),
pos = c(2,1,4), cex = 0.8, font = 3, col = "cadetblue")
# plot bubbles using the symbols() function
# first use a simple algorithm to estimate a scale factor for bubbles
axrg <- par("usr")[2]-par("usr")[1]
bublo <- pretty(afs19$Zn)[2]
bubhi <- pretty(afs19$Zn)[length(pretty(afs19$Zn))]
s0 <- signif(0.05*axrg/sqrt(bubhi),2)
with(afs19, symbols(Easting, Northing, add = TRUE, circles = s0*sqrt(Zn),
inches = FALSE, fg = "purple", bg = "#8000FF40"))
# manual legend
# first make small legend bubble, checking if it's zero
if (pretty(afs19$Zn)[1] < 0.001) {
bublo <- pretty(afs19$Zn)[2]/2
} else {
bublo <- pretty(afs19$Zn)[1]
symbols(c(400520,400520),c(6468040,6467980), circles=s0*sqrt(c(bublo,bubhi)), add=T,
lwd=1, inches=F, fg = "purple", bg = "#8000FF40")
labels=c("Zn (mg/kg)",bublo,bubhi), cex=0.85, pos = c(1,4,4))
Figure 7: Bubble map of zinc concentrations in sediment and soil at
Ashfield Flats in 2019, over OpenStreetMap tiles acquired using
When reporting on an environmental assessment process such as a Detailed Site Investigation, we should also identify any samples where environmental guideline values are exceeded. The additional code below shows how to do this for Zn in sediments; the relevant guideline values are DGV = 200 mg/kg, DGV-high = 410 mg/kg. The re-drawn map (Figure 8) shows samples above the 410 mg/kg DGV-high threshold, and could also be adapted to show concentrations greater than the DGV, or both.
Note the double plotting of points, first with a thicker line
) to provide a border around the symbols for better
visual contrast.
# ... continuing most of previous code ...
# plot points exceeding guideline value...
with(afs19[which(afs19$Zn>=410),], points(Easting, Northing, pch=3,lwd=4,col=1))
with(afs19[which(afs19$Zn>=410),], points(Easting, Northing, pch=3,lwd=2,col=8))
# ...and make changes to manual legend
symbols(c(400500,400500),c(6468040,6467980), circles=s0*sqrt(c(bublo,bubhi)), add=T,
lwd=1, inches=F, fg = "purple", bg = "#8000FF40")
points(400500, 6467920, pch=3,lwd=4,col=1)
points(400500, 6467920, pch=3,lwd=2,col=8)
labels=c("Zn (mg/kg)",bublo,bubhi,"\u2265 DGV-high"), cex=0.85, pos = c(1,4,4,4))
Figure 8: Bubble map of zinc concentrations in sediment and soil at
Ashfield Flats in 2019, over OpenStreetMap tiles acquired using
. Locations where Zn concentration exceeds the
DGV-high threshold are shown.
We make a new column in our data frame by cut
ting the
measurement of interest, in this example Zn, into
percentiles. The new column called QZn
is a factor which
identifies which percentile of Zn concentration each sample is in. We
then use this factor to define symbols, sizes, and colours for each
sample location. We add a line break to text labels using \(\backslash\)n
par(mar=c(3,3,1.3,1.2), mgp=c(1.6,0.2,0), tcl=-0.2, font.lab=2, lend="square")
plot(st_coordinates(extent), asp=1, type="n", xaxs="i", yaxs="i", cex.axis=0.8,
xlab="Easting (UTM Zone 50, m)", ylab="Northing (UTM Zone 50, m)")
plot_tiles(aftiles, add=TRUE)
addnortharrow(text.col=1, border=1)
addscalebar(plotepsg = 32750, label.col = 1, linecol = 1,
label.cex = 1.2, htin=0.15, widthhint = 0.15)
lines(drain_E, drain_N, col = "cadetblue", lwd = 2))
with(afr_map, polygon(wetland_E, wetland_N, border="cadetblue", col="#5F9EA080",
lwd = 1, lty = 1))
text(c(400263, 399982, 400047), c(6468174, 6468143, 6468237),
labels = c("Chapman Drain","Kitchener\nDrain", "Woolcock Drain"),
pos = c(2,1,4), cex = 0.8, font = 3, col = "cadetblue")
# Percentile plot
# make a factor column which categorizes each sample by
# which Zn percentile it is in:
afs19$QZn <- cut(afs19$Zn, quantile(afs19$Zn,
na.rm=T), labels=c("Q0-02","Q02-05","Q05-25","Q25-50",
palette(pal4liteTransp) # use colours with semi-transparency (defined near top)
# use percentile factor column to categorize points
points(Easting, Northing,
pch = c(22,22,22,3,4,21,21,21)[QZn],
col = c(1,1,1,4,5,1,1,1)[QZn], bg = c(2:9)[QZn],
lwd = c(1,1,1,2,2,1,1)[QZn],
cex = c(0.7,0.9,1.1,1.3,1.3,2,3,4)[QZn])
legend("bottomright", legend = levels(afs19$QZn), title=expression(bold("Zn")),
pch = c(22,22,22,3,4,21,21,21), col = c(1,1,1,4,5,1,1,1),
pt.lwd = c(1,1,1,2,2,1,1), = c(2:9),
pt.cex = c(0.7,0.9,1.1,1.3,1.3,2,3,4),
bty = "n", inset = c(0.01,0.01), cex = 0.85, y.intersp = 1.2)
Figure 9: Map showing percentile ranges of zinc concentrations in
sediment and soil at Ashfield Flats in 2019, over OpenStreetMap tiles
acquired using maptiles
palette(pal4lite) # change back to non-transparent palette (optional)
afs19$QZn <- NULL # to delete quantile column (optional; you can leave it in)
The resulting percentile bubble map (Figure 9) adds value to the
'standard' bubble map (Figure 7), as it adds some statistical meaning to
the bubble sizes. A similar map could be created by using the Tukey
boxplot thresholds instead of percentiles which could show potential
outliers (i.e. using the boxplot.stats()
to generate categories instead of the quantile()
semi-transparent colours (i.e. alpha < 1) are not supported
by metafiles in R. To use semi-transparent colours, save as
or .tiff
, or copy as a bitmap.
The ggmap
package (Kahle and Wickham 2013) is an
extension of ggplot
, so it's easier to use if you are
familiar with ggplot
and the associated family of packages.
You will need a Google maps API key
which you can get by registering at
First we make a ggmap
object, locating the map by its
central coordinate with the extent controlled by the zoom
## library(ggmap)
register_google(key = secret[1,1]) # you would replace secret[1,1] with your API key <- get_googlemap(center=c(115.8213,-31.98165),
zoom = 16, maptype = "roadmap", color = "bw")
This always gives a square map (Figure 10) – which
we might not always want. In theory, the map aspect ratio can be changed
using the size
argument in the get_googlemap
function, but this does not work reliably. We recommend leaving the map
dimensions and aspect ratio at their default values.
Next we plot the ggmap object using ggplot grammar. It's possible to
just plot the object (i.e. run ggmap(
but it's good to have more control over plot options
and to plot some data over the base map. In the example
in Figure 9, we use the aesthetic in geom_point()
to plot
different categories with different shapes and colours, with the
categories defined by the factor Type
. A range of map
styles is available by selecting a combination of one of
maptype = "terrain", "satellite", "roadmap"
, or
, together with color = "color"
. Note: the ggsm
is designed to add scale bar and north arrow to ggmaps, but it seems
buggy and we currently don't recommend it - the north arrow seems OK
ggmap( +
labs(y="Latitude (\u00B0S)", x = "Longitude (\u00B0E)") +
geom_text(aes(x = 115.825, y = -31.98, label = "Swan\nRiver",
fontface = "italic", family="sans"),
size = 4, vjust = 0, hjust = 0, color="gray40") +
geom_point(aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, col=Type, shape=Type),
data = places, size=3) +
theme(axis.text=element_text(size=9, color="black"),
Figure 10: Map of the University of Western Australia campus at Crawley,
showing the location of libraries and cafés, plotted over Google maps
tiles acquired using the R
package ggmap
There are numerous possibilities with ggmap
and the
features made possible by ggplot2
that are not illustrated
by Figure 10. For example, we could use size
as an
aesthetic (i.e. include within aes(...)
size = variableName
), to generate something like a bubble
Other options available in ggmap
are some of the
Stamen map tiles from Stadia, accessible with the
function. To use the Stamen maps, you need
to first register for a free API key at
The next example
(Figure 11) uses the simple features information in one of the data
frames we made at the beginning. The sf
package introduces
a new 'geom', geom_sf()
for plotting in ggmap.
We need to use the option inherit.aes = FALSE
, to override the default aesthetics from the
object. We also add coord_sf
to ensure
that all layers use a common CRS (Coordinate Reference
Run help(geom_sf)
for more
Plotting using geom_sf()
when the CRS is in degrees
adds, by default, a °S/°W/°N/°E suffix to the axis values. In the code
below we suppress this using scale_x_continuous(label = I)
(same for the y axis; the limits
and expand
options stop the manual scale adding space around the map tiles). We
include the information on units and hemisphere in the axis titles.
The code also has a little fun with the symbol fill colours. We set
these using scale_fill_viridis()
, but instead of choosing a
single viridis
palette option, we choose one at random
using option=sample(LETTERS[1:8],1)
. [If you don't like
this, change the code to option="D"
, the standard viridis
palette.] <-
get_stadiamap(bbox=c(left=115.9393, bottom=-31.9203,
right=115.948, top=-31.916),
maptype="stamen_terrain", zoom=17)
bb <- as.numeric(unlist(as.vector(attr(, "bb"))))
ggmap( +
labs(y="Latitude (\u00B0S)", x = "Longitude (\u00B0E)") +
geom_text(aes(x = 115.944, y = -31.918, label = "Ashfield\nFlats",
fontface = "italic", family="sans"),
size = 4, color="khaki4", lineheight=0.8) +
geom_text(aes(x = 115.942, y = -31.9199, label = "Swan River",
fontface="italic", family="sans"), size=4, color="steelblue") +
geom_path(aes(x = drain_lon, y=drain_lat), data=afr_map,
color = "steelblue", size = 1.25) +
geom_polygon(aes(x=wetland_lon, y=wetland_lat), data = afr_map,
color = "steelblue", fill="#4682B480") +
geom_sf(data = afs21ll, aes(bg=Zn, size=Zn), shape=21, inherit.aes=FALSE) +
scale_x_continuous(labels = I, limits=c(bb[2],bb[4]),
expand = expansion(mult=c(0,0))) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = I, limits=c(bb[1],bb[3]),
expand = expansion(mult=c(0,0))) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(alpha = 0.7,option=sample(LETTERS[1:8],1)) +
scale_size_area(breaks = c(30,100,300,1000,3000,5000), max_size = 9) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text=element_text(size=9, color="black"),
axis.title = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold")) +
coord_sf(crs = st_crs(4326))
Figure 11: Zinc concentration (mg/kg) in sediment sampled in Semester 1,
2021 at Ashfield Flats, Western Australia, plotted over
map tiles acquired using the R
package ggmap
, with data in a simple features data frame,
and with manually added wetland pond locations.
The rosm
package (Dunnington 2022) allows users to
produce background maps from several map tile providers. We
don't currently recommend rosm
, since it's
difficult when using this package to produce axes in commonly-used
coordinate reference systems.
The OpenStreetMap
R package (Fellows, 2019) can make
very good tile-based maps. Unfortunately, however, it can be difficult
to use on Apple Mac computers, and there can also be problems with
Windows-based systems due to the use of Java
code in the
package. So, out of respect for MacOS users, we are not
recommending the OpenStreetMap
package either.
We recommend using either the maptiles
packages to draw maps with tiled backgrounds, as they
allow use of the state-of-the-art simple features system
via the sf
Converting UTM to LongLat
Make a simple features (package sf
) object containing
the UTM coordinates
Example uses explicit values (as used previously to generate the
map), but the coordinates could also be obtained
from a data frame - edit to suit!
utm.temp <- st_as_sf(data.frame(x=c(399800,400700),y=c(6467900,6468400)),
coords = c("x","y"), crs = UTM50S)
We then use the st_transform()
function from the
package to convert to long-lat (or another projection),
which results in another spatial object:
We now have two sf
spatial objects which we can use (for
instance) to define the map extent for a maptiles
require(sf); require(maptiles) # load packages if not done already
# using the utm object
tiles_utm <- get_tiles(utm.temp, provider = "OpenStreetMap", crop = TRUE)
# using the longitude-latitude object
tiles_longlat <- get_tiles(longlat.temp, provider = "OpenStreetMap",
crop = TRUE)
# . . . and so on
To extract coordinates from a data frame, for example:
(NOTE - missing coordinates are not allowed!)
afs19 <- afs19[-which([,c("Easting")])==1),] # remove rows with NAs
afs19utm <- st_as_sf(afs19, coords = c("Easting","Northing"), crs = UTM50S)
We then use the st_transform()
function from the
package to convert to longitude-latitude, which results
in another spatial data frame:
To extract just the coordinate values in non-spatial form, we use the
function st_coordinates()
# extract sf coordinates to console (can assign to object of class "matrix")
# extract sf coordinates to data frame
longlat.temp <-
colnames(longlat.temp) <- c("Longitude","Latitude")
Dunnington, Dewey (2017). prettymapr: Scale Bar, North Arrow, and Pretty Margins in R. R package version 0.2.2.
Dunnington D (2022). rosm: Plot Raster Map Tiles from Open Street Map and Other Sources. R package version 0.2.6,
Fellows, Ian and using the JMapViewer library by Jan Peter Stotz (2019). OpenStreetMap: Access to Open Street Map Raster Images. R package version 0.3.4.
Giraud T (2021). maptiles: Download and Display Map Tiles. R package version 0.3.0,
Garnier S, Ross N, Rudis R, Camargo AP, Sciaini M, Scherer C (2021). Rvision - Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps for R. R package version 0.6.2. (viridis)
D. Kahle and H. Wickham. ggmap
: Spatial Visualization
with ggplot2
. The R Journal,
5(1), 144-161.
Pebesma, E., 2018. Simple Features for R: Standardized Support for
Spatial VectorData. The R Journal 10 (1),
439-446, . (package
Pebesma, E.J., R.S. Bivand, 2005. Classes and methods for spatial
data in R. R News 5 (2), (package
There are a few items available as learning
materials for this session on using R + packages to make
maps: two short videos, and two annotated pdfs based on
We suggest going through the first video first, and then trying the code, and finally viewing the second video and trying some different things. The material in the PowerPoint presentation on interpolation of point data is completely optional.
For activities today we suggest:Good luck!
↓The best code for mapping using state-of-the-art R packages is in the code in the rest of this page (below) ↓
Ashfield Flats sediment soil data
Just the code used in this web page
(Currently on another Github site)
eezi-peazi Ashfield map (R
code to use georeferenced images (e.g. from NearMap) as map
map features from Google Earth, and R code for a function to convert
Google Earth .kml files for use in R
Spatial Analysis (spatial autocorrelation, variograms, and kriging
(Currently on UWA LMS, so you will need to be logged in)
CC-BY-SA • All content by Ratey-AtUWA. My employer does not necessarily know about or endorse the content of this website.
Created with rmarkdown in RStudio. Currently using the free yeti theme from Bootswatch.