
Sometimes we can obtain the best map background images in the form of georeferenced images, such as geoTIFF or jpeg. In this example we'll use a jpeg file downloaded from the excellent NearMap site (my university has a subscription 😊). Specialist mapping websites may have better resolution, or have aerial photographs from the most appropriate time of year for our mapping exercise.

First we load the packages that we need:


We should note that the jpeg file itself doesn't have spatial information, even though we may have downloaded it as a georeferenced image. With jpeg images, georeferencing comes in the form of a companion ('sidecar') file, with the same name but having the .jgw extension. We can read this directly, but the functions we will use below will look for this file and use the spatial information directly. The .jgw file has 6 lines:

  1. length of a pixel in the x direction (horizontal)
  2. angle of rotation (is usually 0 or ignored)
  3. angle of rotation (is usually 0 or ignored)
  4. negative length of a pixel in the y direction (vertical)
  5. x coordinate at centre of pixel in the top left corner of the image
  6. y coordinate at centre of pixel in the top left corner of the image

So long as the file names of the .jpg and .jpw files match, the raster extent and coordinates are obtained or calculated from the values in the .jpw file.

Reading the raster spatial information in the georeferenced jpeg image

We use the stars package, which plays nicely with the sf package, to do most of the work (the sf package was introduced on another page on maps in R. The read_stars() function will find and use the information in the .jpw file without us specifying that file explicitly.

(AF_nearmap <- 
## stars object with 3 dimensions and 1 attribute
## attribute(s), summary of first 1e+05 cells:
##                                 Min. 1st Qu. Median     Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## EPSG32750_Date20230226_Lat-...     0      85    143 139.6958     200  255
## dimension(s):
##      from   to  offset   delta x/y
## x       1 1267  399868  0.5972 [x]
## y       1  795 6468376 -0.5972 [y]
## band    1    3      NA      NA

We notice that, apart from the long and informative filename, the resulting stars object does not have a coordinate reference system included, so we need to add the appropriate one manually:

st_crs(AF_nearmap) <- st_crs(32750)
## [1] "EPSG:32750"                      "PROJCRS[\"WGS 84 / UTM zone 50S"

The messy output above shows that we have what we expect: UTM Zone 50 (south), based on the WGS84 datum.

From the summary of the read_stars() output above (i.e. band 1 3), we can see that the image has three bands of information, corresponding to the red, green and blue colour channels in the jpeg image.

To plot as a combined colour image we need to merge these 3 channels into in single data layer of colour information; fortunately, there is a function for this in the stars package: st_rgb():

AF_rgb <- st_rgb(AF_nearmap)
## stars object with 2 dimensions and 1 attribute
## attribute(s), summary of first 1e+05 cells:
##  EPSG32750_Date20230226_Lat-... 
##  Length:100000                  
##  Class :character               
##  Mode  :character               
## dimension(s):
##   from   to  offset   delta                refsys x/y
## x    1 1267  399868  0.5972 WGS 84 / UTM zone 50S [x]
## y    1  795 6468376 -0.5972 WGS 84 / UTM zone 50S [y]

We need some data to plot, so let's read some

git <- ""
afs1922 <- read.csv(paste0(git,"afs1922edit.csv"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
afs1922$Year <- as.factor(afs1922$Year)
(afsREE <- st_as_sf(x = afs1922[,c("Year","Easting", "Northing","Al","Fe","REE")],
         coords = c("Easting", "Northing"), crs = st_crs(32750)))
## Simple feature collection with 262 features and 4 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 399908 ymin: 6467930 xmax: 400577 ymax: 6468346
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 50S
## First 10 features:
##    Year    Al     Fe    REE               geometry
## 1  2019  8996  28836  25.74 POINT (399989 6468038)
## 2  2019 37131  44687 184.71 POINT (399981 6468037)
## 3  2019 28699  48561 161.33 POINT (399971 6468035)
## 4  2019 33882  53061 161.90 POINT (399958 6468028)
## 5  2019 31222  71546 166.20 POINT (399944 6468023)
## 6  2019 34765  38441 142.29 POINT (399930 6468017)
## 7  2019 27926  59783 129.82 POINT (399919 6468014)
## 8  2019 29650  37017 117.57 POINT (399908 6468006)
## 9  2019 17946 135488  71.19 POINT (399971 6468021)
## 10 2019  4114   9255  10.46 POINT (399981 6468052)

Now we can plot a map with some data on it! We use the image() function to plot the stars raster; we could also use plot() if we specify the argument reset = FALSE.

palette(c("white", viridis(8), "black","transparent")) # custom palette
par(mar=c(3,3,1,1), oma=c(0,0,0,0), mgp=c(1.6,0.3,0), tcl=-0.2, 
    font.lab=2, cex.lab=1.2, lend="square", ljoin="mitre")
# Plot an empty frame, same size as the stars object
plot(matrix(st_bbox(AF_rgb), nrow=2, byrow=T), asp=1, type="n", 
     xaxs="i", yaxs="i",   
     xlab="Easting (m)", ylab="Northing (m)") 
image(AF_rgb, add=TRUE) # add the georeferenced image, and
box()                   # re-draw the box in case of overlap
# plot the points, symbols varying by Year
points(st_coordinates(afsREE), pch=c(21:24)[afsREE$Year], col=1, lwd=1.5,
       bg=c(2,4,6,8)[afsREE$Year], cex=c(1.6,1.4,1.4,1.4)[afsREE$Year])
# double plot north and scale to create shadow behind
addnortharrow(pos="topright",padin = c(0.22,0.22), 
              text.col = 10, border = 10, scale=1.4)
addnortharrow(pos="topright",padin = c(0.2,0.2), 
              text.col = 1, border = 1, scale=1.4)
addscalebar(plotepsg=32750, pos="bottomleft",linecol = 11,label.col = 10,
            padin = c(0.2,0.2),htin = 0.2, label.cex = 1.5, bar.cols=c(11,11),
            widthhint = 0.15)
addscalebar(plotepsg=32750, pos="bottomleft",linecol = 1,label.col = 1,
            padin = c(0.22,0.18),htin = 0.2, label.cex = 1.5, widthhint = 0.15)
# add legend for map image and projection information
legend("topleft", title=expression(bold("Ashfield Flats Reserve")),
       legend=c("Map source: NearMap Feb 2023",
                "Projection: UTM Zone 50 S     ",
                "EPSG: 32750",
                "Datum: WGS84"),
       box.col="white", bg="#ffffffd0", inset=c(0.03,0.04), cex=1, y.intersp = 1)
# add legend to identify points by year
legend("bottomright", title=expression(bold("Year")),
       legend=levels(afsREE$Year), text.col = 1, pch=c(21,22,23,24),,4,6,8), col=1, box.col=1, pt.lwd=2, pt.cex=c(1.6,1.4,1.4,1.4), 
       bg = "#707062",inset=c(0.08,0.12), cex=1.2, y.intersp = 1)
Figure 1: Map of sampling locations at Ashfield Flats Reserve from 2019-2022 plotted on a Nearmap spatial raster.

Figure 1: Map of sampling locations at Ashfield Flats Reserve from 2019-2022 plotted on a Nearmap spatial raster.


For comparison we can also use the add.geom = argument in the image() or plot() function as an alternative way to plot the points.

palette(c("white",viridis(12, direction=-1)[1:8], "black","transparent"))
par(oma=c(3,3,1,1), mar=c(0,0,0,0), mgp=c(1.7,0.3,0), tcl=0.25,
    lend="square", ljoin="mitre")
plot(matrix(st_bbox(AF_rgb), nrow=2, byrow=T), asp=1, type="n", 
     xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
     xlab="Easting (m)", ylab="Northing (m)")
image(AF_rgb, add=TRUE, add.geom=afsREE, pal=c(5,6,7,8))
addnortharrow(pos="topright",padin = c(0.22,0.22), 
              text.col = 10, border = 10, scale=1.4)
addnortharrow(pos="topright",padin = c(0.2,0.2), 
              text.col = 1, border = 1, scale=1.4)
addscalebar(plotepsg=32750, pos="bottomleft",linecol = 11,label.col = 10,
            padin = c(0.2,0.2),htin = 0.2, label.cex = 1.5, bar.cols=c(11,11),
            widthhint = 0.15)
addscalebar(plotepsg=32750, pos="bottomleft",linecol = 1,label.col = 1,
            padin = c(0.22,0.18),htin = 0.2, label.cex = 1.5, widthhint = 0.15)
legend("topleft", title=expression(bold("Ashfield Flats Reserve")),
       legend=c("Map source: NearMap Feb 2023",
                "Projection: UTM Zone 50 S     ",
                "EPSG: 32750",
                "Geoid: WGS84"),
       box.col = "white",inset=c(0.03,0.04), cex=1, y.intersp = 1)
Figure 2: Map of sampling locations at Ashfield Flats Reserve from 2019-2022 plotted on a Nearmap spatial raster using `plot.geom` as an argument to `image()`.

Figure 2: Map of sampling locations at Ashfield Flats Reserve from 2019-2022 plotted on a Nearmap spatial raster using plot.geom as an argument to image().


The result is not as satisfying as adding points separately using points(). We could also add our data in a way that shows values of a variable, as described in the page on maps in R.


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Dunnington D (2022). prettymapr: Scale Bar, North Arrow, and Pretty Margins in R. R package version 0.2.4,

Garnier S., Ross N., Rudis R., Camargo A.P., Sciaini M., and Scherer C. (2021). Rvision - Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps for R. R package version 0.6.2.

Hijmans R (2022). raster: Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling. R package version 3.6-11,

Pebesma, E., 2018. Simple Features for R: Standardized Support for Spatial Vector Data. The R Journal 10 (1), 439-446,

Pebesma E (2022). stars: Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes. R package version 0.6-0,

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