This guide gets you started with reading data into R (in the RStudio environment) from a file, and checking that the data have been read in correctly.
If you need or would like a more basic
introduction to R, you could first read our
Guide to R and RStudio for
absolute beginners.
We use the read.csv()
function to read data which is
stored in a csv
values) file. When using this function, R
expects that:
file is a row, except the first
line which contains the column names;hubbard <- read.csv(file = "hubbard.csv", stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
# ... and do a quick check # check that it worked
## [1] TRUE
These data are from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest near Woodstock in New Hampshire, USA (Figure @ref(fig:hubbard-pix)).
Location of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire, USA. The data used in this workshop were generated at this site.
summary(hubbard[,1:10]) # just the first 10 columns
## Min. : 1.0 North:135 E278000:44 Min. :276000 Min. :4866300 Min. :2.510 Min. : 0.510
## 1st Qu.:126.8 South:125 E277000:43 1st Qu.:277000 1st Qu.:4867800 1st Qu.:4.168 1st Qu.: 3.068
## Median :254.5 E280000:37 Median :279000 Median :4869000 Median :4.350 Median : 4.131
## Mean :249.2 E276000:35 Mean :278996 Mean :4868769 Mean :4.322 Mean : 5.367
## 3rd Qu.:392.2 E279000:34 3rd Qu.:281000 3rd Qu.:4869700 3rd Qu.:4.503 3rd Qu.: 6.324
## Max. :460.0 E282000:25 Max. :283000 Max. :4871100 Max. :4.870 Max. :26.262
## (Other):42
## OM.pct Cd Cu
## Min. : 2.240 Min. :0.0980 Min. : 1.783
## 1st Qu.: 9.188 1st Qu.:0.3070 1st Qu.: 9.866
## Median :11.162 Median :0.6350 Median :13.004
## Mean :12.009 Mean :0.7426 Mean :13.531
## 3rd Qu.:13.582 3rd Qu.:1.1310 3rd Qu.:16.553
## Max. :50.177 Max. :1.8890 Max. :30.757
## NA's :167 NA's :64
The summary()
function creates a little table for each
column - note that these little tables do not all look the same. Integer
or numeric columns get a numeric summary with minimum, mean
etc., and sometime the number of missing (NA
values. Categorical (Factor) columns show the number of samples (rows)
in each category (unless there are too many categories). These summaries
are useful to check if there are zero or negative values in columns, how
many missing observations there might be, and if the data have been read
correctly into R. # [Note: we could have specified
something like hubbard[1:10,]
which would have worked on
the first 10 rows (also called 'observations' or 'samples), or
which would have used only the first 20
rows of columns 6 to 10.]
Usually we would not restrict the output as done below with
. We only do it here so we're not bored with pages
of similar-looking output. You should look at structure for the whole
data frame using str(hubbard)
(or substitute
for whatever your data object is called).
str(hubbard[,1:20]) # 'str' gives the structure of an object
## 'data.frame': 260 obs. of 20 variables:
## $ PLOT : int 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ...
## $ Rel.To.Brook: Factor w/ 2 levels "North","South": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ Transect : Factor w/ 8 levels "E276000","E277000",..: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
## $ UTM_EASTING : int 280000 280000 280000 280000 280000 280000 280000 280000 280000 280000 ...
## $ UTM_NORTHING: int 4868400 4868500 4868700 4869000 4869100 4869300 4869400 4869600 4869700 4869900 ...
## $ PH : num 4.29 4.66 4.23 4.15 4.49 4.79 4.11 4.52 4.51 4.43 ...
## $ MOISTURE.pct: num 4.74 7.47 5.55 3.77 4.82 ...
## $ OM.pct : num 12.2 10.46 14.88 9.14 12.01 ...
## $ Cd : num 0.498 0.207 1.359 0.913 0.099 ...
## $ Cu : num 22.1 27.1 18.6 7 17 ...
## $ Ni : num 12.25 20.5 14.43 8.72 10.62 ...
## $ Cr : num 21.1 28.2 19.6 21.3 22.8 ...
## $ Co : num 14.4 17 13.1 11.1 11.4 ...
## $ Zn : num 47.6 63.1 47.5 18.2 31.9 ...
## $ Mn : num 490 453 578 261 335 ...
## $ Ca.pct : num 0.295 0.321 0.247 0.158 0.237 0.411 0.463 0.325 0.433 0.383 ...
## $ Ca : int 2945 3205 2471 1579 2373 4109 4628 3249 4333 3834 ...
## $ Mg.pct : num 0.298 0.502 0.331 0.163 0.218 0.237 0.292 0.255 0.288 0.171 ...
## $ Mg : int 2989 5024 3311 1637 2184 2372 2926 2558 2880 1711 ...
## $ Al.pct : num 4.41 4.33 4.82 3.16 3.48 ...
We can see that some columns are integer (int
) values
(e.g. PLOT, UTM_EASTING), some columns contain
values i.e. in fixed categories
(e.g. Rel.To.Brook, Transect), and some columns are numeric
) (e.g. PH, OM.pct, Ni). Applying the
function to a data object is always
a good idea, to check that the data have read correctly into R. [NOTE
that other variable types are possible such as character
, date (Date
or POSIXct
, etc.]
"Data is like garbage. You'd better know what you are going to do with it before you collect it."
--- Mark Twain
We can use either plot(x, y, ...)
plot(y ~ x, ...)
In R the ~
symbol means
'as a function of', so ~
indicates a formula.
In R we need to tell the program which 'object' our variables are in.
We've just made a Data Frame (a type of data object) called
The following 3 styles of code do exactly the same thing:
syntax -- (we
recommend this one!)with(hubbard,
plot(EXCH_Al ~ PH)
...which can just be written on a single line:
with(hubbard, plot(EXCH_Al ~ PH))
Plot of exchangeable Al vs. pH using with() to specify the data frame.
plot(hubbard$EXCH_Al ~ hubbard$PH) # look at axis titles!
Plot of exchangeable Al vs. pH using dollar-sign syntax to specify the data frame. Notice the axis titles!
and detach()
plot(EXCH_Al ~ PH)
Plot of exchangeable Al vs. pH using attach() to specify the data frame.
Without changing any of the (numerous) options or parameters in the
function, the plot is not very attractive
(e.g. axis titles!).
We can also change the overall plot appearance by using the function
before plotting; par()
sets graphics
parameters. Let's try some variations:
sets margins in 'lines' units:
sets distance of text from axes:
c(titles, tickLabels, ticks)
sets font style for axis titles:
2=bold, 3=italic, etc.plot()
, xlab=
set axis titlespar(mar=c(4,4,1,1), mgp=c(2,0.6,0), font.lab=2)
# We'll also include some better axis title text using xlab, ylab
plot(EXCH_Al ~ PH,
xlab="Soil pH",
ylab="Exchangeable Al (proportion of CEC)")
Plot of exchangeable Al vs. pH improved by changing graphics parameters and including custom axis titles.
This is starting to look a lot better!
We can still add more information to the graph; for example, by making use of the factors (categories) in the dataset. We also need to learn these graphics parameters:
col =
plotting colour(s) - it's easiest to use words
like "red", "darkblue" and so on
or just run the R function colors()
for a list of all
657 names!
pch =
plot character(s) - numbers from 0 to 24 (run
or see
page from YaRrr).
par(mar=c(4,4,1,1), mgp=c(2,0.6,0), font.lab=2)
plot(EXCH_Al ~ PH, xlab="Soil pH",
ylab="Exchangeable Al (proportion of CEC)",
Plot of exchangeable Al vs. pH with custom graphics parameters and axis titles, improved by separating points by a Factor.
The parameter pch=c(1,16)[Rel.To.Brook]
separates the
points by the information in the Factor column
, shown inside [ ]
. This column is
a 2-level factor, so can be one of two categories (North or South), and
so we need a vector with two numbers in it (pch=c(1,16)
The code for specifying colour is very similar, except our vector has 2
colour names in it.
There is still one thing missing; a graph legend. We
can add one using the legend()
function. We will use the
following options:
position of legend -- run
for options, or we can use x-y
coordinateslegend =
a vector of names identifying the plot symbols
- we have used the categories in the factor 'Rel.To.Brook',
, but we could have used
insteadpch =
plot symbols - should be exactly the same vector
as in the plot functioncol =
plot colours - should be exactly the same vector
as in the plot functiontitle =
a title for the legend - optionalpar(mar=c(4,4,1,1), mgp=c(2,0.6,0), font.lab=2)
plot(EXCH_Al ~ PH, xlab="Soil pH",
ylab="Exchangeable Al (proportion of CEC)",
legend("topleft", legend=levels(hubbard$Rel.To.Brook), pch=c(1,16),
col=c("blue","darkred"), title="Location")
Plot of exchangeable Al vs. pH by sample location, with custom graphics parameters and axis titles, and a legend to explain the plot symbols.
(from the
package)The R package car
(Companion to Applied Regression) has
many useful additional functions that extend the capability of
R. The next two examples produce nearly the same plot
as in the previous examples, using the scatterplot()
function in the car
# load required package(s)
# par() used to set overall plot appearance using options within
# par(), e.g.
# mar sets plot margins, mgp sets distance of axis title and
# tick labels from axis
par(font.lab=2, mar=c(4,4,1,1), mgp=c(2.2,0.7,0.0))
# draw scatterplot with customised options
# remember pch sets plot character (symbol);
# we will also use the parameter cex which sets symbol sizes and
scatterplot(EXCH_Al ~ PH, data=hubbard, smooth=FALSE,
legend = c(coords="topleft"),
cex=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.2)
Plot of exchangeable Al vs. pH made using the car::scatterplot() function.
Note that we get some additional graph features by default:
We can turn both of these features off if we want - run
in the RStudio Console, and look under
Arguments and Details.
Also, we separately specify the dataset to be used as a function
argument, i.e., data=hubbard
) with groups, Hubbard Brook soil
data# 'require()' loads package(s) if they haven't already been loaded
# adjust overall plot appearance using options within par()
# mar sets plot margins, mgp sets distance of axis title and tick
# labels from axis
par(font.lab=2, mar=c(4,4,1,1), mgp=c(2.2,0.7,0.0))
# create custom palette with nice colours :)
# this lets us specify colours using numbers - try it!
# draw scatterplot with points grouped by a factor (Rel.To.Brook)
scatterplot(EXCH_Al ~ PH | Rel.To.Brook, data=hubbard, smooth=FALSE,
legend = c(coords="topleft"), col=c(5,3,1),
pch=c(16,0,2), cex=1.2, cex.lab=1.3, cex.axis=1.0)
Plot of exchangeable Al vs. pH with points grouped by location, made using the car::scatterplot() function.
The scatterplot()
function creates a legend
automatically if we plot by factor groupings (note the different way
that the legend position is specified within the
function). This is pretty similar to the base
R plot above (we can also customise the axis titles in
, using xlab=
as before).
We'll give you some starting code chunks, and the output from them. You can then use the help in RStudio to try to customise the plots according to the suggestions below each plot!
boxplot(MOISTURE.pct ~ Rel.To.Brook, data=hubbard)
Box plot of percent soil moisture content at Hubbard Brook.
For box plots, try the following:
with(hubbard, hist(MOISTURE.pct))
Histogram of percent soil moisture content at Hubbard Brook.
For histograms, try the following:
We use the mfrow=
or mfcol=
argument in the
function to plot multiple graphs
require(RcmdrMisc)# needed for plotMeans() function
# use the mfrow or mfcol argument in the par() function to plot
# multiple graphs
stripchart(hubbard$OM.pct, main="Strip Chart")
with(hubbard,plotMeans(OM.pct, Transect, error.bars = ""))
Soil organic matter content (%) at Hubbard Brook: (left) as a one-dimensional scatterplot (strip chart); (right) as mean values by sampling transect.
par(mfrow=c(1,1)) # to get back to single plots
For one or both plots, try the following:
"With data collection, 'the sooner the better' is always the best answer."
--- Marissa Mayer
There are a few ways to make useful tables in R to summarise your data. Here are a couple of examples.
function in base R# use the cat() [conCATenate] function to make a Table heading
# (\n is a line break)
cat("One-way table of means\n")
with(hubbard, tapply(X = EXCH_Ni, INDEX=Transect,
FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE))
cat("\nTwo-way table of means\n")
with(hubbard, tapply(X = EXCH_Ni,
FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE))
## One-way table of means
## E276000 E277000 E278000 E279000 E280000 E281000 E282000 E283000
## 0.002588815 0.002136418 0.002827809 0.002813563 0.002528296 0.002262386 0.002221885 0.002957922
## Two-way table of means
## North South
## E276000 0.002652212 0.002559759
## E277000 0.002154745 0.002117219
## E278000 0.003133112 0.002360874
## E279000 0.002733461 0.002927993
## E280000 0.002176569 0.002861511
## E281000 0.002537732 0.001962009
## E282000 0.002219457 0.002224313
## E283000 0.003542597 0.002039146
For tapply()
tables, try the following:
function (FUN=mean
– try another function to get minima, maxima, standard deviations,
function in the 'RcmdrMisc' R
# use the cat() [conCATenate] function to make a Table heading
# (\n is a line break)
cat("Summary statistics for EXCH_Ni\n")
cat("\nSummary statistics for EXCH_Ni grouped by Rel.To.Brook\n")
numSummary(hubbard$EXCH_Ni, groups=hubbard$Rel.To.Brook)
## Summary statistics for EXCH_Ni
## mean sd IQR 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% n NA
## 0.002536502 0.001382344 0.001126141 0.00070457 0.001829135 0.002246775 0.002955276 0.01784169 257 3
## Summary statistics for EXCH_Ni grouped by Rel.To.Brook
## mean sd IQR 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% data:n
## North 0.002635924 0.001605190 0.001114533 0.001120626 0.001933342 0.002277016 0.003047875 0.017841689 132
## South 0.002431513 0.001096042 0.001170948 0.000704570 0.001719421 0.002174767 0.002890369 0.008483806 125
## data:NA
## North 3
## South 0
For numSummary()
tables, try the following:
on a data frameData frames are themselves tables, and if they already contain the
type of summary we need, we can just use the print()
function to get output. Let's do something [slightly] fancy (see if you
can figure out what is going on here¹):
output <-
statistics = c("mean","sd","quantiles"), quantiles=c(0,0.5,1))
mytable <- t(cbind(output$table,output$NAs))
row.names(mytable) <- c("Mean","","Min.","Median","Max.","Missing")
# here's where we get the output
print(mytable, digits=3)
cat("\nThe table has now been copied to the clipboard, so you can paste it into Excel!\n")
## PH MOISTURE.pct OM.pct Al.pct Ca.pct Fe.pct
## Mean 4.322 5.37 12.01 1.641 0.208 3.163
## 0.293 3.83 5.17 1.478 0.214 1.112
## Min. 2.510 0.51 2.24 0.155 0.002 0.497
## Median 4.350 4.13 11.16 0.970 0.139 3.168
## Max. 4.870 26.26 50.18 7.132 1.107 7.709
## Missing 0.000 0.00 0.00 60.000 62.000 60.000
## The table has now been copied to the clipboard, so you can paste it into Excel!
If you want to take this further, we can start making really nice
Tables for reports with various R packages. I use the
package and sometimes the kable()
function from the knitr
¹Hints: we have made two dataframe objects; t()
is the
transpose function; there are also some other useful functions which
might be new to you like: row.names()
, print()
, write.table()
. .
The following two websites can extend your basic knowledge of using R and RStudio:
A great free resource for R beginners is An Introduction to R by Alex Douglas, Deon Roos, Francesca Mancini, Ana Couto & David Lusseau.
Getting used to R, RStudio, and R Markdown is an excellent (and free) eBook by Chester Ismay which is super-helpful if you want to start using R Markdown for reproducible coding and reporting.
CC-BY-SA • All content by Ratey-AtUWA. My employer does not necessarily know about or endorse the content of this website.
Created with rmarkdown in RStudio using the cyborg theme from Bootswatch via the bslib package, and fontawesome v5 icons.