Using data previously provided (on LMS), produce presentation quality graphs of:
This is a supplement to the other preliminary material on
R graphics. We have tried to avoid too much overlap
with other sessions. If you want
instructions on making the same plots using the ggplot2
R package, go to this
In Environmental Science at UWA we try to promote the principles of "graphical excellence". This means:
Some practical tips:
in car::scatterplot()
files, as both can be blurry or grainymain=""
) – any
information describing the plot should be in the captionviridis
or scico
(see examples for viridis here and for scico here)1 Tufte, E.R., 1983. The visual display of quantitative information. Graphics Press, Cheshire, Connecticut, USA.
The palette()
function needs a vector of colour names or
codes, which we can then refer to by numbers in subsequent functions.
R has over 600 built-in colours, some with nifty names
like "burlywood",
and "thistle"
– to see these, run the function colors()
or run
Colour codes are a character string with 6 or 8 digits or letters
after the #
symbol, like "#A1B2C3"
. In the
6-digit version (the most common), the first 2 characters after
are a hexadecimal number specifying the intensity of the
red component
of the colour, the next 2 specify green , and the next 2 blue . #rrggbb
The greatest 2-digit hexadecimal number is FF
, equal to
the decimal number 255. Since we can include zero, this means there will
be 2563 = 16,777,216 unique colours in
Optionally we can use an 8-character colour code, such as
, where the last 2 characters define the
alpha value, or colour transparency.
would be fully transparent, and
would be fully opaque. We can also use the
colour name "transparent"
in R which can
sometimes be useful.
semi-transparent colours (i.e. alpha < 1; anything other
than "#rrggbb"
or "#rrggbbFF"
) are not
supported by metafiles in R. To use semi-transparent colours, save as
or .tiff
, or copy as a bitmap.
Before we start we load some packages (which we need to have installed previously). We also need to load a dataset that we may have seen before (the Smith's Lake & Charles Veryard Reserves data from 20217 – we use it a lot for illustrating environmental statistics and plotting).
library(car) # scatterplot() and scatterplotMatrix() functions
library(viridis) # colourblind-friendly colour palettes
library(scico) # 'scientific' colour palettes
git <- ""
sv2017 <- read.csv(file=paste0(git,"sv2017_original.csv"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
sv2017$Group <- as.factor(sv2017$Group)
We then make an xy-plot (Figure 1) using the
function from the car
first setting graphics output parameters with par()
making a custom palette with palette()
# adjust overall plot appearance using options within par()
# mar sets plot margins, mgp sets distance of axis details from axis
par(font.lab=2, mar=c(4,4,1,1), mgp=c(2.2,0.7,0.0))
# create custom palette with nice colours :)
# draw scatterplot with customised options
# pch sets plot character (symbol); cex sets symbol/font sizes
scatterplot(Ca~pH | Type, data=sv2017, log="y", smooth=FALSE,
legend = list(coords="topleft"), col=c(4,2,1),
pch=c(16,0,17), cex=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.2)
R has a set of 26 built-in plotting symbols which
can be specified using the pch =
argument in many plotting
functions. For symbols 0-20 the colour is set using the argument
col =
. For symbols 21-25 col =
sets the border
colour, and the fill colour is set with bg =
and for pch 21-25
We have seen a modified boxplot similar to that in Figure 2 before. Adding a density line to a histogram can help us identify bimodal distributions, or see more easily if the distribution is symmetrical or not.
# plot histogram with custom scale and y-axis limits
with(sv2017, hist(log10(EC), freq=F, breaks=15, col="gray", ylim=c(0,2), main=NA))
# add density plot overlay onto histogram
lines(density(log10(sv2017$EC), na.rm=TRUE), col="blue")
We also made a grouped box plot like the one in Figure 3 in a previous session.
# set up overall plot parameters with par()
par(mar=c(4,4,1,1), mgp=c(2.2,0.7,0),
font.lab=2, lend="square", ljoin="mitre")
# make an object containing a table of means
Cu_means<-tapply(log10(sv2017$Cu), sv2017$Type, mean, na.rm=T)
# plot the boxplot with nice axis titles etc.
boxplot(log10(sv2017$Cu) ~ sv2017$Type, id.method="y",
col=c("skyblue","tan","grey"), id.n=0,
xlab="Sample Type", cex=1.4, cex.lab=1.4, cex.axis=1.3,
ylab=expression(bold(paste(log[10],"(Cu, mg/kg)"))))
# plot the means as a symbol
points(Cu_means, col="blue", pch=3, cex=1.5, lwd=2)
# optionally add a horizontal line to represent some
# threshold or guideline value(s)
abline(h=log10(65), col="red", lty=2)
# add a legend (especially if a threshold line was added!)
# Note use of \n to add a line break
legend("bottomright",legend=c("Mean","ISQG-Low:\nCu 65 mg/kg"),
pch=c(3,3), pt.cex=c(1.5,0), pt.lwd=c(2,-1), cex=1.,
col=c("blue","red"),lty=c(-1,2),lwd=c(-1,2), bty="n",
seg.len=2.5, inset=0.03, x.intersp = 0.5)
First read the water data (from Smith's Lake, North Perth, sampled in 2018):
SL_water <- read.csv(file=paste0(git,"SL18.csv"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
SL_water$Group <- as.factor(SL_water$Group)
We can then use scatterplot()
from the car
package to plot the points. Important arguments in the
function in this example are:
regLine = FALSE
to not plot regression lines
for the pointssmooth = FALSE
to not plot smoothed curves for
the pointsasp = 1
sets the plot aspect ratio to 1 so the geometry
is not distorted (this is important for anything resembling maps!)legend = list(...)
to set legend position, size,
etc.pch = c(...)
to select specific symbols for each group
of pointsWe also define the colour palette to be used; viridis::
specifies the package to use without actually loading it, so we can use
the function viridis(n)
, which gives a palette of
colourblind-friendly colours
general we can run packageName::function()
explicitly loading packages.)
# define the colour palette to choose plot colours from
palette(c("black", viridis::viridis(9)))
# note the asp=1 option constrains the height/width ratio
scatterplot(Northing ~ Easting | Group,
regLine = FALSE,
smooth = FALSE,
boxplots = FALSE,
cex = 1.25,
cex.axis = 1.2,
cex.lab = 1.3,
data = SL_water,
asp = 1,
lwd = 2,
legend = list(coords="topright", cex=1.25),
pch = c(0,1,2,5,6,15,16,17,18,7,9,10),
xlab = "Easting UTM Zone 50 (m)",
ylab = "Northing UTM Zone 50 (m)",
main = "Smith's Lake Water Sample Locations 2017",
cex.main = 0.7
c(391380, 391390),
c(6466498, 6466405),
labels = c("Inlet", "Outlet"),
pos = 2,
col = c(2, 5)
We can reproduce Figure 4 made using car::scatterplot()
in base-R graphics as well:
# set up overall plot parameters with par()
# font.lab=2 makes axis titles bold
# 'lend' sets line end style, 'ljoin' sets line join style
# define the colour palette to be used
# viridis:: specifies the package to use without actually loading it, so
# we can use viridis(n) which gives a palette of n colourblind-friendly colours
palette(c("black", viridis::viridis(8)))
# plot the points, separating by the factor 'Group'
# note the asp=1 option constrains the height/width ratio
plot(SL_water$Northing ~ SL_water$Easting,
cex = 1.3,
cex.axis = 1.2,
cex.lab = 1.3,
asp = 1,
lwd = 1,
pch = c(21:25,21:24)[SL_water$Group], # better plot symbols!
bg = c(1:9)[SL_water$Group], # fill colour for pch 21-25
xlab = "Easting UTM Zone 50 (m)",
ylab = "Northing UTM Zone 50 (m)",
main = "Smith's Lake Water Sample Locations 2017",
cex.main = 0.7
# add a grid (optional)
# draw the legend to identify groups by symbol/colour
# note similar usage of cex, pch, etc.
pch = c(21:25,21:24), # vector for pch= same as for plot = 1:9, # fill colour for pch 21-25
# add some text at appropriate coordinates
# vector of x's, vector of y's, vector of text labels, etc.
c(391380, 391390),
c(6466498, 6466405),
labels = c("Inlet", "Outlet"),
pos = 2,
col = c(6, 3)
The code to make Figure 5 is somewhat more intricate than that for Figure 4, but base-R plotting can give us more control over plot appearance. (Note that we don't need to have each function argument on a separate line, as we have done in the previous code block.)
One aspect of this plot, which is probably an advantage, is the use
of symbols with different colour fill and outline
(pch = 21:25
). This means we can make better use of the
lighter colours in gradational palettes such as those generated by the
or scico
"...when we look at the graphs of rising ocean temperatures, rising carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and so on, we know that they are climbing far more steeply than can be accounted for by the natural oscillation of the weather ... What people (must) do is to change their behavior and their attitudes ... If we do care about our grandchildren then we have to do something, and we have to demand that our governments do something."
— David Attenborough
First we read some more data to illustrate some ideas:
function argumentsWe use the base-R function par()
change graphics parameters like plot margins. After using
these stay changed until changed again by running
with different arguments.
For example let's plot an x-y plot using the default
settings in par()
Now, try changing some graphics options using the par()
function and re-running the simple plot
par(mar=c(4,4,1,1), mgp=c(1.8,0.7,0), font.lab=2, cex=1.5, cex.axis=1.25,
cex.lab=1.5, tcl=0.2)
plot(sv18$Ca ~ sv18$pH, log="y")
This time we adjust the settings in par()
to plot
multiple plots on a page using the mfrow
argument, which
needs a two-value vector c(rows,columns)
par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(4,4,1,1), mgp=c(1.2,0.2,0),
font.lab=2, cex=1., cex.axis=.8, cex.lab=1.,
with(sv18, plot(Ca ~ pH, log="y", pch=0))
with(sv18, plot(Mg ~ pH, log="y", pch=1, col = "red3"))
with(sv18, plot(Na ~ pH, log="y", pch=2, col = "purple"))
with(sv18, plot(Sr ~ pH, log="y", pch=3, col = "blue2"))
Cumulative Distribution Function using plot.ecdf()
. The
custom y-axis label explains the plot!
(note use of
to insert a Unicode character by its 4-digit code
[Unicode character 2264 is 'less than or equal to' (≤)] )
A better cumulative plot is the normal quantile or 'q-q' plot
specially transformed axes mean that a normally distributed variable
will plot as a straight line. qqPlot()
from the
package is best; the plot shows the theoretical line
and the 95% confidence range.
## [1] 59 58
We can group q-q–plots by a factor:
with(sv18, qqPlot(Na ~ Type,
xlab="Theoretical normal distribution quantiles",
ylab="Soil pH"))
Here's another customization of histograms – we've seen these in a previous Workshop. Adding a reference concentration shows what proportion of samples have concentrations exceeding this value (or not).
with(sv18, hist(log10(Zn), breaks=seq(0.4,3.2,0.2),
xlab="log10(Zn, mg/kg)", main=""))
# add a vertical line at a threshold value (e.g guideline)
abline(v=log10(300), lty=2, col="red")
text(log10(300),12, labels = "Zn guideline\n300 mg/kg",
pos=4, col="red")
Here's a similar customization of box plots – we've
also seen these in a previous Workshop (the only way to get
complex formatting in plot axis labels is to use
– this code has an example for a
subscript in the y-axis label):
boxplot(log10(sv18$Zn) ~ sv18$Type,
xlab="Sample Type",
ylab=expression(bold(paste(log[10],"(Zn, mg/kg)"))), main="")
Let's plot it again with better font size to copy-paste into a report. We use a large text size so the plot can be reduced in overall size (e.g. to put plots side-by-side, or to suit 2-column document formats).
par(mar=c(4,4,1,1), mgp=c(2,0.6,0), font.lab=2)
boxplot(log10(sv18$Zn) ~ sv18$Type,
xlab="Sample Type",
ylab=expression(bold(paste(log[10],"(Zn, mg/kg)"))),
cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=1.5,
# add a HORIZONTAL line at a threshold value (e.g guideline)
abline(h=log10(300), lty=2, col="red")
# label it using text()
text(1,log10(300), labels="Zn limit 300 mg/kg",
cex=1.25, col="red", pos=3)
In this sequence of plots we show one way to informatively plot a concentration vs. sediment/soil depth, with depth displayed vertically, and increasing downwards, as we would expect in the real world.
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(sv18$Fe ~ sv18$Depth_lower, pch="-")
plot(sv18$Fe ~ sv18$Depth_upper, pch="+")
Ideally we would like to plot concentration against mean
depth, but we can't use a formula (i.e. anything in
R that uses ~
) in another formula! ... we change the syntax for the variables in plot()
use comma instead of ~
to allow us to put a calculation in:
We could also do this by calculating a new variable, e.g.:
We would then use the newly-calculated sv18$Depth.mean
as the variable.
For this type of plot, we would prefer to plot depth on the [more intuitive] vertical axis
This puts depth in the wrong direction, though, so we use
ylim =
to reverse direction of y axis, by swapping
for ylim=c(100,0)
Now tidy up plot margins, axis labels, etc. – use
to understand the function arguments for
and plot()
#... and plot it again with nice axis labels
plot(sv18$Fe, ((sv18$Depth_upper+sv18$Depth_lower)/2), ylim=c(100,0),
xlab="Fe (mg/kg)", ylab="Mean depth (cm)")
What if we want the horizontal axis 'on top'? We do this by omitting
axis plotting (i.e. xaxt="n"
) and axis label
... then plot the x-axis
manually, first adjusting plot margins so that there is more space at
the top of the plot and less at the bottom.
par(mar=c(1,4,4,1)) # won't change anything except margins
plot(sv18$Fe, ((sv18$Depth_upper+sv18$Depth_lower)/2),
xlab="", xaxt="n",
ylab="Mean depth (cm)")
# two code lines for manual axis plus label
mtext(side=3, line=2.5, font=2, text="Fe (mg/kg)")
Axis values in R In R the plot axes have a specific order. For example in the par()
function when setting margins, e.g.
mar=c(4,4,1,1) , the margins are set with a four-value
vector. The values of this vector are always in the same order:
c(bottom, left, top, right) , that is, clockwise starting
from the bottom axis = 1.
A scatterplot matrix can be a very useful data exploration tool (for the most effective visualization, you might need to change the default colours).
Scatterplot matrices are available using the
function (which can be shortened to
) from the car
The most basic implementation is plotting without grouping by a
Factor variable. Note the different way in which the variables (a list
starting with ~
and separated by +
) and data
frame (data=
) are specified.
The smoothed trend through the points can be included by changing the
argument to smooth=TRUE
A very useful feature of scatter plot matrices is the display of each variable's distribution along the diagonal of the plot matrix. In the example in Figure 19, we can see that all variables have a positively skewed distribution (which might be made more symmetrical by log-transformation).
To distinguish the points according to the categories in a Factor
variable, the Factor is included after the list of plotted variables
using the |
operator. We also see the distributions
separated by group along the diagonal.
Separating the plots by a factor allows us to see if trends are
consistent between groups, or if groups behave very differently. [If you
don't want to bother with the scico
package, use
col = c("#EDB256", "#AC4A44", "#191900")
for the same
scatterplotMatrix(~Al + Ca + Fe + Na | Type, data=sv18, smooth=FALSE,
col=scico::scico(3,palette = "lajolla", begin=0.3),
pch = c(0,1,3), cex=1.4)
Often we can get a better idea of the trends and differences between
variables by transforming variables (log10-transformation
usually is OK). [If you don't want to bother with the scico
package, use col = c("#001959","#426F51","#E09651")
for the
same result.]
scatterplotMatrix(~log10(Al) + log10(Ca) + log10(Fe) + log10(Na) | Type,
col=scico::scico(3,palette = "batlow", end=0.7),
pch = c(15,1,3), cex=1.4)
Maps are [mostly] just scatterplots with a map background – we will spend a separate session on maps in R later.
Fox J (2022). RcmdrMisc: R Commander Miscellaneous Functions. R package version 2.7-2,
Fox J, Weisberg S (2019). An {R} Companion to Applied Regression,
Third Edition. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.
Garnier S, Ross N, Rudis R, Camargo AP, Sciaini M, Scherer C (2021).
Rvision - Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps for R. R package
version 0.6.2.
Pedersen T, Crameri F (2023). scico: Colour Palettes Based on the Scientific Colour-Maps. R package version 1.4.0,
# first load and run code to make UWAcolgrad() function
# for help download the UWAcolgrad.R file itself and look inside!
np <- 32
par(mar=rep(0.5,4), xpd=TRUE)
plot(0:1, 0:1, ann=F, axes = F, type="n", ylim=c(-0.1,1))
text(0.5,0.98,labels=paste0("viridis::viridis(",np,")"),pos=1, cex=1.4, family="mono")
text(0.5,0.83,labels=paste0("viridis::plasma(",np,")"),pos=1, cex=1.4, family="mono")
text(0.5,0.68,labels=paste0("viridis::cividis(",np,")"),pos=1, cex=1.4, family="mono")
points(seq(0,1,l=np),rep(0.55,np),pch=22,bg=scico(np, palette = "hawaii"),cex=4)
text(0.5,0.53,labels=paste0("scico(",np,", palette='hawaii')"),pos=1, cex=1.4, family="mono")
points(seq(0,1,l=np),rep(0.4,np),pch=22,bg=scico(np, palette = "lajolla"),cex=4)
text(0.5,0.38,labels=paste0("scico(",np,", palette='lajolla')"),pos=1, cex=1.4, family="mono")
points(seq(0,1,l=np),rep(0.25,np),pch=22,bg=scico(np, palette = "batlow"),cex=4)
text(0.5,0.23,labels=paste0("scico(",np,", palette='batlow')"),pos=1, cex=1.4, family="mono")
text(0.5,0.08,labels=paste0("UWAcolgrad(",np,")"),pos=1, cex=1.4, family="mono")
points(seq(0,1,l=np),rep(-0.05,np),pch=22,bg=UWAcolgrad(np, saturated = TRUE),cex=4)
text(0.5,-0.07,labels=paste0("UWAcolgrad(",np,", saturated=TRUE)"),pos=1, cex=1.4, family="mono")
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